Vegetarian Slimming works. ‘The vegetarian slimming plan is simple and can be varied to make the diet your own. Make slimming a joy and create for yourself a new way of eating that you will love. This book offers you an inspirational approach. It aims to get your body, senses, mind and emotions working harmoniously together to make you slim and healthy, to create the perfect body you have always wanted, and to keep it that way.
Rose says: 'Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of meeting or hearing from many readers who have successfully lost weight with this book. The combination of looking at past patterns of eating, the tips for success, the use of meditation and becoming aware of and handling feelings, along with the choice of calorie counting or simple food-combining, is what they find helpful.'
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Hearty Vegetable Soup in the
Recipes section: a soup that's easy to make, tasty and filling, and only 100 calories a serving.