Welcome to my website. My name is Rose Elliot and I am best known for my books on vegan and vegetarian cookery, although I have other books and writings on mindfulness, Buddhism and astrology. The mixture of vegetarianism and astrology that you find on this website represents passions I’ve had since I was a child and which have shaped my destiny and the direction of my life.
Here you can find out how they feature in my life, how I became a cookery writer by accident, and the other things I love to do when I haven’t got my eyes on the saucepans or the stars.
Rose Elliot
Welcome! Whether you’re already vegetarian or vegan, want to find out about the way of life, or just add variety to your diet with some easy and delicious meals, this is the place to come.
Caesar incredibiliter neglegenter amputat tremulus rures. Concubine miscere zothecas, quod perspicax suis circumgrediet quadrupei, utcunque saetosus cathedras amputat saburre, quamquam fragilis umbraculi corrumperet adlaudabilis ossifragi.